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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  September 13, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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>> see you in ten days. >> gretchen: thanks fortune not guilty to "fox & friends" today. we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> brian: run to the radio. bill: there is breaking news wrote again from the middle east, fox news alert. good morning everyone. violent anti-american protests reported in two more countries at least. as the u.s. steps up security at diplomatic missions all over the world. this is the scene just last hour. cars have been burned including the one you see on the screen. this is the live image out of cairo. same car, smoldering, fire out. but demonstrators are out too. clashing with police at the u.s. embassy for the third day in a row. there is a lot to get to this morning and here at home. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom.". martha: i'm martha maccallum. some believe the protests may have been an intentional terrorist attack to coincide
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with september 11th particularly with the benghazi demonstration. as the investigation moves forward, hundreds of protesters in yemen chanted death to america. bill: in tune, further the west, protesters gathering outside the american embassy waving black islamic flags, chanting anti-american slogans and pictures of usama bin laden. jennifer griffin is the at pentagon. let's start in london with greg palkot on the ground in yemen. what is the latest being reported there, greg? >> reporter: we've been to the embassy a few times. we've been talking to our contacts on the grand there in sanaa, yemen. we believe the situation is calm around the u.s. embassy. it was anything but earlier today. i'm told thousands of protesters gathered outside of the building and some of those managed to get their way in.
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at least to scale the perimeter wall. to break you there the main gate to enter the security building to get into the compound before the main embassy building. they torched cars, smashed windows and stole equipment. the security guards tried to hold them off. fired shots in the area. that didn't work. yemeni security forces came in, fired tear gas. there were some injured and arrests. people fought back. i am told that many of the u.s. staffers in that embassy had to leave. have been evacuated in the back way. they're in a safe place now. it is believed this is a response, like many riots seeing of the film made in the u.s. critical of the muslim prophet muhammad. must remember yemen is home to one of the most dangerous chapters of al qaeda. that terror network could be having an impact on that too, bill. bill: there is protest planned for cairo. as for today, cairo, the
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region, give us your best understanding this is feeding and how one is feeding off the other, greg. >> reporter: one country after another, bill. we were speaking to officials inside the u.s. embassy in cairo today. they say that they are operating but just on kind of a basic basis. anything but minimal though the security. police cordons are pushing the action away from the embassy, trying to prevent a replay what we saw tuesday when protesters scaled the wall and tore down the u.s. flag. there is action on the streets. rock-throwing youths. police shooting tear gas. we heard from the president of egypt today, morsi. he said he is for peaceful protests but against violence against diplomats that is a good thing. we also know president obama spoke with him and spoke to the leader of libya overnight, probably to get them in line. libya -- involving the u.s. ambassador and other americans, bill.
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bill: greg, thank you for following that out of london. here is martha with more. martha: we're monitoring two navy warships as they position themselves off the libyan coast today. there are new questions whether the attacks in libya were spontaneous or whether they were a coordinated terrorist attack perhaps designed to coincide with september 11th. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon. good morning to you. i know you've been talking to a lot of people about this. what have you learned? >> reporter: essentially, martha, what i learned there is no clear picture at this point in time exactly what happened at the consulate in the benghazi. intelligence analysts are scouring information, information they had both before the attack and as it was taking place. it was not clear whether this was a serious protest outside the consulate related to this anti-islamic video trailer. it is looking more and more like that may not have even occurred, or if anything it was a very small protest and a cover for what seems to be
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very coordinated attack with 50 armed militants storming the compound at designated time, with rpg's, rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons. this does not seem related to the anti-video protests happening across the region. this teams like it was a september 11th attack by a militant group targeting the u.s. consulate and the ambassador, martha. martha: i just want to ask you one more question about the ambassador. it appears he was based in tripoli and was visiting this site in benghazi. do we know wheth:hu2u$ not if this was intentional terrorist attack as you're laying the groundwork based on your reporting that he was the target of that attack? >> there is no evidence of that right now but again they're looking into that. what is interesting is there was a online message posted by sean smith, one, the i-t specialist who was with the ambassador who was also
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killed in the attack. just before they were attack there was an on-line message that suggested the compound, photographs were being taken of the compound and that they were concerned that they were under surveillance. there was some concerns that they were not safe. there are also questions being asked today about what was the security at that compound? the marines were not supposed to be guarding it. tripoli but what were the security arrangements? they look light for a place as volatile as benghazi. martha: there were reports that there were just four security cameras at that site in benghazi and just four libyan security guards. all those details are still coming in and becoming more solidified. jennifer, thank you so much. we'll talk to you later. bill: there is a lot of reaction you can imagine including reaction from libyan-americans on the deadly attacks in benghazi expressing sadness over the death of ambassador stevens, so respected.
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several fathering in washington had this reaction. >> this was a big blow to us. we lost a friend today. >> we are saddened. we are angry. we are fearful there is a fringe group within libya that are trying to overtake the revolution. martha: so for many the attacks are reminiscent of the violence during the qaddafi days in libya. a little bit more context on u.s. diplomacy in libya. back in 1972 the u.s. with drew its last ambassador to libya. on december 2nd, 1979, the u.s. embassy was shut down after a mob attacked and set fire to it. nearly 25 years later in february of 2004 a direct u.s. presence in lib was was re-established. two years later it was upgraded to the become the u.s. embassy that exists now in libya. bill: i want to go to the map quickly to give you a sense what we're watching today. tunisia we reported on that. that is where the arab
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spring began. we have uprising in libya. benghazi here on the mediterranean coast. tripoli, and cairo, capital city here and sanaa, the capital city, is popping today. the common border shared between egypt and libya runs 800 miles that these two countries share. take this section of the map. go in a little bit closer. give you a sense something you must keep an eye on as we move through the story. capital city of tripoli. here is benghazi and cairo well to the east several hundred miles. this is the town of de are. na, libya. in all likelihood you have not heard of derna before today. derna is town traysed to dozens and dozens of al qaeda foreign fighters that came from this town specifically and joined battles in afghanistan and iraq. as the crow flies from dern that and benghazi, 150 miles.
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the consulate hit day and a half ago how many protesters came from the town of derna? that is something we'll look at. we'll try to figure out what is the american response in all this? ambassador bolton is on standby. so to are many others. what do we do as a country? there are shades of the uss cole in october of 2000. it was three weeks before a national election. we feel is a little bit of a sense of that. we're 50 days away from yet another vote. we'll see what we do. bolton reacts. martha: they call it a brigade. they're looking like a more formedded force. al sharia has been bounced around for that brigade. more coming up on that in a little while. this creates troubling news for drivers here at home. oil prices jumped on the news of unrest in that region. crude trading above $97 a barrel. the average price for a gallon of regular gas, $3.87
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at the pump. wholesale prices were driven up last month by the most in three years. food prices rising almost 1% with steep increases in the cost of eggs and dairy. that is driving food prices a bit higher. how about all this? as we look at the business front. meanwhile two big stories on the economic front we're following today. first you have weekly unemployment numbers that are in. not an encouraging sign. the government reported new applications for jobless benefits, the first time folks got in and got in line to collect those benefits, that number jumped by 15,000 to 382,000, that is the highest mark we've hit in two months. speaking of tough economic numbers, the federal reserve could later today announce more action trying to jump-start the u.s. economy with another quantitative easing as they call it. stuart varney joins me now, anchor of "varney & company" on the fox business network. rising prices and possibly a new stimulus package coming from the fed, stuart.
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what do you make of it all? >> it is a bleak picture, is it not? that number you mentioned, 382,000, that is a measure of layoffs. that number is far too high. of course it is rising. add that to last friday's dismal america not at work jobs report, throw in the wrinkle of $4 gas which a majority of americans are now paying, and it adds up to a slow economy, a very poor job6ú market, rising inflation, 4 dal gas and with that as the backdrop, ben bernanke this afternoon is widely expected to announce a new money-printing operation, trying to get the economy going. whether he gets the economy going or not is in some question here. it will certainly not affect the economy before the election. so wrap it all up, martha, it's a bleak picture. martha: what does it really do? when you look at the quantitative easing, they print money as you say, buy bonds in an effort to keep interest rates low. that makes the dollar a
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little bit softer, right? it makes stocks a little bit more attractive but doesn't sound like it really affects everybody just sort of out in america? >> no. so far it has not. we have pumped all of this cash into the economy and it has not raised the level of activity in the economy. a lot of money found the way on to wall street. the stock market is at a 4 1/2-year high. as for getting together a robust recovery it simply hasn't happened. it is not likely to happen if ben embarks on more printing today. martha: we heard so much negative about big bankers and fat cats on wall street and it seems the government action, the administration action so far seems to be benefiting those folks more than main street. >> that's correct. martha: stuart, thank you very much. stuart varney, fbn. coming up soon. bill: back to the turmoil. president sifts down for an interview. what is it? a loaded answer we'll analyze with stephen hayes. on that. martha: new calls to take a
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closer look to the money we send to countries like egypt and libya. it goes from the millions to the billions. we'll tell you how much of your tax dollars are going there and reevaluate. bill: as we go to break, log into our question of the day. should we send aid to these countries at /americasnewsroom. tell us what you think. we're back in three short minutes after this. endless shrimp is our most popular promotion at red lobster. there's so many choices, the gues love it! [ male announcer ] don't miss endless shrimp. try as much as you like, anyway you like. like new teriyaki grilled shrimp for just $14.99! my name is gela trapp, and i sea food differently.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. bill: back to the breaking news. we want to take you live to the streets of cairo, egypt. this is an image we'll be watching throughout the day into the evening hours. we'll see how if it progresses from here. there is call for a larger protest tomorrow after friday afternoon prayers. new questions at home about the president's response to the attacks on american missions in egypt and libya. when asked about egypt's protest, whether or not that country is considered an ally the president said this. >> i don't think that we
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would consider them an ally but we don't consider them an enemy. they are a new government trying to find its way. bill: not an ally, not an enemy. it is loaded answer that steven mace, senior righter for. what do you take from that, steve as we know publicly? >> i much prefer the president to make a stronger answer about the government in egypt. mohammed morsesy is 9/11 truther is questioning what really happened on 9/11 actually what happened. morsi in his inaugural address suggesting to the egyptian people that he was going to bring back the blind sheikh, abdel rahman, the man responsible for the bombing of the world trade center in 1993. the administration dismissed this rather than confront him about that kind of rhetoric i would like to see the president be much more forceful about the events that took place in egypt.
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breaching of the compound. the fact the militant flag was raised over the u.s. embassy on 9/11 at the american flag was torn to shreds. bill: morsi's background is muslim brotherhood. took him 20 4:00 hours to even eracket to the embassy being stormed in cairo. he was in brussels. he talked about it being unlawful acts pretty much condemned it for the first time. but he went on to say he had a conversation with president became, this film out there where it is online or on the internet he asked the president to put an end to such behavior. now when you, when you think about that, comment, and match that with what president obama said last night in las vegas, not an enemy or an ally, behind the scenes it is clear there are disagreements. there are disagreements were a voice in this conversation between morsi and president obama. >> sounds like there are
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disagreements. there ought to be disagreements there are huge disagreements. the president of the united states should not kowtow to the egyptian president about some movie. the problem the united states government has said by leading with this question of this film, which is sort of this bogus pretext. it may have been the instigator for the rally but the united states government should not be having a discussion with mohammed morsi, a 9/11 truther about some crazy film made by kooky director which has nothing to do what is actually going on at this point. we legitimize, i'm afraid, the notion that this film actually matters to the entire discussion when in fact the real problem is with the egyptian government. there are real questions why the security forces that have helped protect the u.s. embassy in cairo simply melted away in the face of the attacks. the participants, ayman al-zawahiri being one of the leaders in that protest. there are serious questions. i hope they're being resolved in private because
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they're not being discussed in public. bill: meantime you have a campaign that will play out in 50 plus days from now. how does this play out as we understand the events today? >> well, i'm not sure. i mean i think back in the heartland, in a lot of these swung states where people are paying attention to this there is going to be i think that this sense the united states should be taking a much more forceful approach with what is going on in the middle east. should be making a stand and saying that you don't do this to the united states. we haven't seen that from this president. we could see it still but, i don't necessarily buy the argument from the mainstream media and so many in washington that mitt romney having stepped into this and having criticized president will create this national backlash. i think that is wishful thinking on the part of many in the mainstream media. bill: we have a long ways to go in the story. stephen hayes, thank you, out of washington. appreciate your analysis. the screen left shows the image now in downtown cairo at 3:20 in the afternoon.
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thank you, steve. martha. >> thanks. martha: we'll stay with the live breaking news pictures throughout the morning. we want to bring you this story. voter i.d. law in key battleground state before that state's supreme court now. the arguments begin moments away. high-stakeses 54 days before election day issue. we're live at the courthouse. bill: this is a significant story that will be not overlooked today. legacy of an american hero who made one giant leap for all of us. these are the live pictures, national cathedral in washington where people are starting to arrive for the memorial service for astronaut neil armstrong. you will see part of that this morning on "america's newsroom." woman 1: this isn't just another election. we're voting for...
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the future of our medicare and social security. man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan... and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers. anncr: where do the candidates stand on issues that... affe seniors today and in the future? find out with the aarp voters' guide at
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martha: investigators are
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trying to piece together exactly what happened during the deadly attack that killed ambassador stevens and three other americans at the u.s. consulate in libya. senior white house foreign affairs correspondent goal goal live at the state department with a timeline what we know so far. good morning, wendell. >> reporter: good morning martha. officials here say the attack at benghazi was well-planned and not just protest that inspired out of control as libyan authorities first played it. the consulate is collection of houses with an annex a short distance away. ambassador stevens, sean smith and security officer were only people in the main building when the attack began with rifles and rocket-propelled grenades about 10:00 tuesday night. a protest of an anti-islam film had been going on outside the compound for a couple of hours. the attack however didn't grow out of the protest officials think. they say stevens, smith and the officer officer, became separated when the main
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building was set on fire. they were trying to escape the smoke and flames. the officer made it to safety. came back a short while later. found smith dead but couldn't find ambassador stevens of the at some points other libyans found stevens, apparently outside the complex and took him to a hospital but no one knew who he was. a doctor worked for an hour 1/2 trying to revive stevens. his body was brought to u.s. officials to the airport at benghazi the following day, martha. martha: tragic they didn't know it was him or the body wasn't found until the next morning. what about the other two deaths, wendell? >> reporter: the gunbattle facials say lasted about four hours. after burning the main embassy building, two dozen embassy staffers and security officers were pushed from the other buildings to the embassy annex before libyan security officers and members of a local militia actually helped stop the attack. it was during the second stage of the fighting that two other americans were
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killed but their families haven't been notified. officials have yet to release their names. meanwhile the benghazi consulate for all intents and purposes have been abandoned. american staffers including three injured in the attack evacuated to ramstein airbase in germany for treatment and security. there is no decision about whether they will return or frankly where they will return to, martha. martha: tragic. violent mess on their hands. wendell, thank you very much. bill: we're just getting reaction from the leader in yemen. we'll bring you what he is saying in a moment about the attacks on the u.s. embassy in that country. liz cheney with some harsh words with president obama about his foreign policy and what is going on in the arab world today. why she says it is appalling and not surprising. the obama campaign will real act to that in a moment. martha: we're awaiting a plan of action from the federal reserve today in what call one of the worst economic recoveries in history. what will the fed have in mind? how will markets react?
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bill: want to add to the developments we're getting from the middle east. the president of yemen apparently apologizing to president barack obama a bit earlier according to the associated press for the attack on the u.s. embassy in the capital city of sanaa in that country. he called it a angry mob. all embassy personnel are safe according to the u.s. embassy in yemen.
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apparently several hundred protesters as you see on the screen stormed the compound and brought down the u.s. flag. that however has been secured since then. since then the latest from yemen in this fox news alert. martha. martha: a scathing new op-ed is this morning by liz cheney is blasting president obama's handling of the deadly attacks overseas and in it she writes this. the president appeared in the rose garden less than 24 hours later to condemn the libya assault and failed to mention the attack in egypt. the message sent to radicals throughout the region, if you sought an american embassy but don't kill anyone, the u.s. president won't complain though the administration's performance in the crisis was appalling it wasn't surprising. it is the logical outcome of 3 1/2 years of obama foreign policy. so joining me now to respond to that, tim romer, is the national security advisor for the obama campaign. he is also the former ambassador to india. mr. roemer, welcome. good to have you here. >> good to see you. thank you, martha. martha: good to see you.
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your response to what she says? the fact that he did not mention the scaling of the walls in egypt in the statement in the rose garden? >> look, martha, i briefly read miss cheney's piece in the "wall street journal" this morning. a couple of thoughts. one she uses terms like apologizing. bill just read the piece on your news program. it is the president of yemen apologizing to the united states. it is the people in libya apologizing for what happened to the united states. and it's president obama that is effectively using the power of america, military power, special-ops power, technological power, economic power, to make friends around the world. to exert our power and to make the world a safer place. let me give you a couple of examples. ask bin laden if he is better off today than he was four years ago. the president used effectively american power
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there and took bin laden out. for those 9/11 attacks. and he has effectively used drones to decimate al qaeda. he has responsibly and honorably brought our troops home out of iraq. he has worked around the world. example, to promote jobs. when i was in india, to sell product the around the world, sustaining 25,000 new jobs or current jobs by selling things in india. back to 2010. martha: all of those things we heard from the campaign -- >> this is way of the mark. martha: understood. that's why we have you on today. i want to go through one more statement by her, that you know, sort of brings up some of the issues that you just mentioned. so let's take a look at this because it is directly to your point. she says in too many parts of the world america is no longer viewed as reliable ally or enemy to be feared. don't take my word for it she says, ask prime minister benjamin netanyahu. even as his country face as
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extensional threat from iran he can't get a meeting from president obama of the as you said in your piece, ask osama bin laden if he is better off four years later. raising a similar point, ask benjamin netanyahu if he feels our relationship is better off four years later? >> the president has met countless times with the prime minister of israel. we have a very good relationship with israel. in fact when mitt romney visited israel on his recent trip that didn't go so well when he went to great britain and poland and israel. when he left israel, the defense minister of israel said they haven't had a bet friend for israel in decades than president obama. ask muammar qaddafi how the united states uses its power effectively to get rid of tyrants --. martha: talk about which is israel. and you know -- >> i addressed your question, martha. martha: and i'm going back to your response to the
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question, which was, that the relationship is good with israel and yet many would say that it is complicated. that very tense, that benjamin netanyahu stood up the other day said wait, wait, what should we wait for with regard to iran? many have seen a continuous march in iran towards a nuclear weapons capability that frightens our good neighbor and ally in israel and feel that not enough has done and perhaps in israel's case they would say not enough is done to put a red line. that if crossed would allow them to take some action on their own and to, you know, tell the world -- >> that is a good question. martha: go ahead. >> look at the relationship between the united states and israel under the obama administration. one, record levels of security assistance from the american people to israel. two, the president has even secured 70 million in additional funding above the record levels to help the israeli people create the
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defense called iron dome there. three, we worked very effectively with the international commune, including some partners that dot reliably work with us in a lot of ways to tighten sanction on iran, the most difficult and effective sanctions i think ever imposed on any state, to try to make sure that they can't get that capability. so across the board i think the president has articulated both united states security interests there with our relationship wit israel and israeli security interests. martha: all right. tim romer, thank you very much. good to have you here today. >> thanks for having me. invite me back. martha: we would love to. bill: martha, i want to bring in fox news contributor ambassador john bolton, occasional advisor to the romney team for his reaction. good morning to you on three of his four answers you were shaking your head in disagreement. >> get rid of the campaign piffle, can we?
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can we talk about policy? we're standing at the edge of the abyss in the middle east. we're seeing riots all over. you mentioned earlier this the show that the takeover the embassy in libya of 1979. obviously our diplomats were taken hostage in iran in 1979. our embassy in islamabad, pakistan, was taken over in 1979. a wave of events that catapulted us to a. it is not who issued what statement at what time. the issue do we have effective policy in place to protect american interests around the region. the answer as of right now, no, we don't, because we've got an administration that doesn't understand what is happening in the middle east. isn't prepared to take strong steps to advance american interests and isn't protecting america's friends. not just israel but our arab friend as well. bill: what is the proper response on behalf of the u.s. government? what should president obama do? >> the first thing he should
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say unequivocally and publicly to the governments of libya and egypt, that you failed miserably in your primary obligation to protect the diplomats and facilities of the united states. and he should say privately, if it happens again, we're cutting off all assistance. that message has to go across the middle east. second, he has got to demonstrate that we don't accept that american interests are going to be attacked on pretexts, that we do have a war on terrorism we need to fight against al qaeda and libya. against terrorists like the outcroppings of the mugs him brotherhood in egypt and around the region the we're not hearing that from the administration because it is not their policy. bill: there's been a lot made about a romney statement, the u.s. embassy statement, that came out of cairo, based on the timing, et cetera and you can flip the news channels all over the place and you can find this. this is what we understand was released by u.s. embassy
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in cairo in a late statement governor romney later reacted to. we condemn the continuing efforts by misguided to hurt feelings of muslims. we object to those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others n response here is what governor romney issued. quote, it is disgraceful the obama's administration first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but sympathize with those who waged the attacks. weigh in on that. >> he is absolutely right. that comment by the embassy, whoever it was in the embassy who issued it, is the sort of thing that jean kirkpatrick once called the blame america first syndrome. it is a signal much weakness around the region that faced with mobs in the street, faced with i think the potential culpability of the government of egypt not to have adequate security forces around the perimeter of our embassy that we're apologizing for some unknown person in some obscure film.
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that signal of weakness inspires our adversaries to threaten us more and tells iran in particular, that this administration can't deal with threats to american interests. bill: one more point in the 15 seconds i have left. this is the big point, 12 years ago, october 12th, 2000, the uss cole was attacked yemen. three weeks before a national election. we sit 50 plus days from another national election. it was largely misunderstood that attack then and seen in a much different light today. do we properly understand what has happened now in the attack against americans overseas? >> i don't think the administration does. i think one of the reasons our facilities an our people were vulnerable they think there in much more benign environment. the american people got to decide whether we protect america by having a strong america or whether america is best served by weakness. the latter is the obama administration's policy. bill: john bolton, thank you. mr. ambassador, good to see you. >> thank you. bill: more with martha. martha: quick look what is going on with the markets.
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not a whole lot of action at open, down four as investors begin to react to the weekly jobs report. news that the fed will or will not stimulate the economy with a new quantitative easing program is probably what a lot of investors will be waiting to hear. the dow closed at 13,333. that is highest level we've seen since 07. we'll keep an eye on the markets throughout the show. so how should the u.s. respond to the violence in cairo, libya and yemen earlier this morning? should we stop sending money over there or curtail the money we send over there? congressman peter king joins us in a little bit, chairman of the homeland security committee on that. our question of the day, you have answered in force. more than 2,000 people already weighed in and the show just got started. we'll give you the results so this question about the money going to these countries when we come back. ♪
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martha: back to our top story now, violent anti-american protests erupting in the middle east and north africa. a look at cairo where protesters have set fire to a car and have been clashing with police near the u.s. embassy as this chaos continues to unfold today. there are new calls to rethink the aid that the u.s. sends to egypt and libya in the face of all of this chaos that we're watching on the streets. from fiscal year 2010, to 2012, the u.s. gave libya over 200 dal million and much more went to egypt. some $3.2 billion for fiscal years 2012 and 2013. so now the question is, should we cut back. should we withhold as we wait for some resolution what happened in these countrys? should we eliminate it all together? joined by new york congressman peter king. he is the a republican and chairman of the house homeland security committee. chairman king, welcome back to you. good to see you this
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morning. >> thank you, martha. martha: what do you think of those questions? >> egypt has acted disgracefully. president morsi is apologist for the muslim brotherhood. he failed to the protect the american embasis and you're right they have gotten billions and billions of dollars in aid from the united states. i saw a transcript of president obama's conversation with president morsi this morning when the president expresses regrets about attempts to denigrate islam. why we go on the apology tour and continue, i don't know. one should be apologizing is president morsi. apologizing for the american flag being burned, for the american embassy being attacked. i believe aid to egypt should be suspended unless and until president morsi makes it absolutely clear he will condemn action of demonstrators and take forceful action to protect the american embassy. this friday the muslim brotherhood called for another round of demonstrations. president morsi comes out of muslim brotherhood. he is in a unique position to denounce the demonstrations and should
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not occur and if any lawlessness whatsoever they will be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law. i think aid to egypt should be suspended or threat to suspended unless there is immediate response to. libya there is no real government. my understanding that the government did attempt to protect americans and did not do a good job of it. i think we have to reconsider our aid there. i put libya in a different position from egypt. martha: they're very different situations as you point out. in terms of egypt, the president said he did not consider morsi really an ally or an enemy. that the jury is still out on that question. what do you think about that answer? >> well, if he is not an ally, why do we continue to give them billions of dollars in aid? we gave billions of dollars to president mubarak because he was an ally. because egypt did all it could to protect peace in the middle east and to cooperate with the u.s. cooperate as far as intelligence and as far as protecting israel.
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the piece agreement with israel. morsi is not doing that. so i think until we get a clear commitment, if we don't get it we don't get it. if we don't get it aid should be suspended to egypt, at least real threat of it and timeline they have to comply. we can't go on with business as usual and can't keep pandering to these people in the middle east, particularly the muslim brotherhood. martha: congressman, thank you. send us a tweet @marthamaccallum or bill hemmer. tell us what you think about this. our thanks to the congressman. bill: you mentioned a poll a moment ago. 3400 votes in 49 minutes. we'll keep the line open on that. developing news in a key swing state today. the state supreme court to rule on a voter i.d. law that could have massive implications for the turnout come november just 54 days away from the election. back in a moment on that, after this. 4g lte has the fastest speeds.
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bill: at the moment arguments are underway in a court case that could have huge implications for election day. in pennsylvania's highest court, lawyers battling over that state's voter i.d. law. the stakes could not be higher. pennsylvania home to 20 electoral votes. senior correspondent eric shawn live in philadelphia there. eric, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, bill a lawyer total the justice that voter i.d. is serious threat. the aclu and other groups are suing to try to overturn an get an injunction against a ruling that supports the law. in august a lower court ruled that voter i.d. here in this important swing state is reasonable. it is not discriminatory and will not disenfranchise any voters.
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critics say it will lead to voter suppression and hurt elderly minorities and poor. this morning there was a loud rally sponsored by naacp against the law. they called it anti-democratic and extremist. other like a state representative says predict the new law will cause chaos at the polls in november. >> i think half of them don't even know that they're required to have some kind of extra i.d. and the other half of them think that what they have in their house is okay. so they're going to show up on election day when everybody votes because it is a general election for the president, and it is going to be a terrible mess. >> reporter: those state officials say any election official does not carry out the law will be criminally prosecuted, bill. bill: what do supporters say about it, eric? >> reporter: well the state officials don't predict there will be any problems at all. supporters say that vote ear i.d. is needed to prevent voter fraud. they note anybody can get a free i.d. at 71 penn dot
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offices where they give out driver licenses. they will deliver alternative ballot for free. the aclu lead plaintiff, 93-year-old vivian applewhite, denounced the law got hers three weeks ago. 8.2 million voters, 759,000 may not have the i.d. as by monday, 7,000 got i.d.'s for free. >> no one will be denied the right to vote under pennsylvania voter i.d. law. if you show up on election day, you forget your i.d., for example, you can vote by provisional ballot on election day. you have six days to prove to the county board of elections that you have i.d. acceptable for voting purposes. >> reporter: the state supreme court is split. three democrats, three republicans. if there is tie, the lower ruling will stand. of course if you suspect voter fraud where you live, voter fraud at is our address. bill: from philadelphia,
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eric shawn on the story. martha? martha: remembering this morning an american hero. we will take you live to the national cathedral in washington. today nasa honors neil armstrong. bret baier is up next with us. bob... oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking.
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martha: we start with this fox news alert. american embassies on high alert across the middle east. rioting outside the embassies in egypt and yemen this morning as the u.s. deploys military assets to respond to this. two navy ships are poised off the coast as they analyze the evidence where four americans were murdered. a very busy week in "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: i'm bill hemmer. we are learning that increased aerial surveillance over libya
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has been ordered, a marine antiterrorism team has been sent to libya to boost security at the embassy and consulate. one of two naval ships moving into position yesterday, another one set to arrive within days and they will sit off the shores of tripoli. martha: a big presence there. greg palkot is live in london following the protest and our military response. what is the latest that we're hearing on these most recent protests? >> the two disturbances we've been seeing today, tracking today, first in the yemen capitol, the u.s. embassy there under attack by protestors. right now it is said to be calm from the people that i've been talking to, but it was anything but that earlier in the day. thousands of protestors outside, some of them got in at least scaling the perimeter walls, breaking through the main gate, getting into the security building, into the compound in front of the main embassy building. they torched cars, smashed
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windows, stole equipment. security guards there made some shooting but just in the couldn't keep the people away, security forces came in and took charge of things. again, now it has settled down. i'm told unofficially that most of the staff has been evacuated from that embassy. over in cairo, egypt protests near the u.s. ep bas embassy. we spoke with officials inside the embassy, they say it's minimum functions at the embassy but maximum security. the cordone being pushed out. we are not seeing scaling of the walls today, a lot of disturbances in the street, police clashing with rioters, in response to the movie critical of mohammed. martha: we'll see how much they will crackdown on the protestors. let's swing over to libya. talk to us a little bit about the u.s. response to the attacks there. >> the response is multifaceted. let's first talk about the
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bodies of u.s. ambassador to libya chris stevens and three others who were killed. we believe that they are now -- they have been evacuated from benghazi en route to the united states. there he people were injured in that attack. they are being treated at a military hospital in germany. we have the marine anti-terror group on the ground. f.b.i. investigation underway. ships sitting off the coast, one now with missiles on board just in case. back to you. martha: we wait to find out news of the investigations and if they have had any success in tracking down the people responsible for those deaths. that is the next big question, gregg. thank you very much. >> it's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. bill: those famous words from neil armstrong made history at first man to walk on the moon. we were about to witness an american moment together.
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washington national cathedral filled to capacity this morning. martha: as we remember his achievements and celebrate the life of a man who captivated and inspired a nation. the astronaut's family described him as a reluctant hero who always believed that he was just doing his job. bill: bret baier is live and joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, bill and martha. this event is called a celebration of neil armstrong's life, the first man of 12 to walk on the surface of the moon. eight of those are still alive. we'll hear from two of them today captain jean cernan, he a friend, a good friend of neil armstrong as well as a fellow alum of purdue university and we'll hear from michael collins, the astronaut, the command module pilot of apollo 11 as
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neil armstrong and buzz aldrin walked on the surface of the moon. this event is a celebration of his life but i talked to a number of people going into this event today and they said it's also important they thought for this time in american history, with all of the concern, and the angst about the u.s. economy, about the situation around the world, about just worry, this moment to honor the life of a true american hero, they thought, going into this cathedral was an important moment. as you see the colors going in to start this ceremony. there is one interesting part of this cathedral itself, they have the stained glass window called the space window, and it symbolizes both spiritual and scientific connections there you see it to the mystery of the cosmos. photographs during the apollo mission provided the inspiration. it says it's not god in the
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height of heaven, skwroeb 22: 12. a small piece of glass at the center of this is a sphere, and it contains a two and three eights innocent tere of moon rock that is sealed there. astronauts presented that sample to the cathedral on july 21st, 1974 to mark the five-year anniversary of their walk on the moon. today, as you see buzz aldrin there, you see john glenn and his wife getting ready for the ceremonies to start. they remember this man's life and remember all of the things that it means for this country. joining us from the washington d.c. bureau charles krauthammer who is close to the family, also very studied in all things
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space. charles, this moment to you and some thoughts about neil armstrong's life and impact on this country. >> i was at the 40th anniversary gathering of the moon landing, and it was quite a moment when all the astronauts were there, many almost all of those who actually walked on the moon, but it also had a kind of a sadness because you had the feeling this was sort of the last time that these men who had been so heroic in their younger days, now in their late 70s, early 80s, it might be the last time they would gather. but in fact it may be today where all of them once more are gathering sadly to honker neil armstrong. i think one theme you would get if you asked all of them is that there was something absolutely unique and special about neil. that was the reason that nasa chose him to be the first to go on the moon. it was a deliberate choice, and it had to do with many aspects
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of his character. christopher craft spoke about the choice. he once said neil armstrong reticent, soft-spoken and heroic was our only choice. he had an incredibly distinguished history, his courage, he was a fighter pilot in korea shot down once, 78 missions. he had joan the gemini 8 mission, the two-man mission which came the closes to disaster something that he rescued through ingenuity when he and his fellow astronaut were near to blacking out because of an unexpected tumbling of the spacecraft and also there was one other character that we've seen over the years of his retirement, his unbelievable modesty and reticence and sense of honor. he never exploited the event, he always thought that he was simply the one who happened to be the one to walk on the moon,
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with 400,000 people working behind the scenes in the a polyprogram. an the a the apollo program. in some senshe did everything he could to not exploit it and returned to a life of teaching and being an example for a younger generation. nasa chose incredibly wisely the young machine who should be and was the first human to walk on a heavenly body. >> charles, thank you we'll be checking in throughout the ceremony and we will be taking the major speakers, including captain gene cernan the last man to walk on the moon. it's interesting as well that yesterday marked the 50th anniversary of president john f. kennedy delivering a speech at rice university in houston, texas, calling for the effort to
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go to the moon, ending it saying, as we set sale we ask god's blessing on the most had arnold schwarzeneger dust and dangerous adventure in which man has ever embarked. less than seven years after that speech, september 12th 1962 neil armstrong would walk on the moon. i'll send it back to you. bill: neil armstrong was asked one time what it's asked to be on the moon. he said it's an interesting place. i'd recommend it. entirely deadpan too. we remember his life today. as bret pointed out, it was 50 years ago yesterday when john f. kennedy issued that challenge to the american government, the american people to go somewhere where no one has been before and they did that before the close of the decade. you wonder how you reflect on that now, how your own political leadership either drives and inspires people or falls short of that. we'll here the comments in that speech in a moment as well. martha: you think of the manifest destiny that created
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this country and at that point to look beyond the earth into the skies. what an amazing legacy of neil armstrong and all of his come pan kwrapbs in that effort as charles so beautifully pointed out for us moments ago. we will be back to that in a few minutes n. a mean time a reminder of the big story we are covering, major concerns after four americans are murdered in libya, the feds now investigating whether those attacks were planned to coincide with september 11th. former kreurbgs a covert officer mike baker coming up on that. bill: what will the federal reserve today the action it might take that may have a huge impact on your wallet. ♪ i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't.
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u.s. consulate in libya were intentionally coordinated to take place on september 11th. joined now by mike baker, former cia covert operations officerrer, the president of diligence llca, an intelligence firm. good to have you with us today. lots of going on here in terms of what we are learning. there are indications that sauahiri's brother was in the crowd there. also a group that is based in libya. talk to me what you've learned so far. >> any time you have a situation like this. particularly in a challenging or potentially hostile environment the investigation is compounded tenfold. there is a lot of speculation at the outset. first there was this idea, right, and it's still being put out there, that it was a spontaneous outrage explosion over this anti-muslim youtube
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video your hardpressed to imagine that is the case. there are a lot of other disparaging things over a period of time that could have caused this. it appears this was used in a coordinated fashion to provide top cover for what happened. how long this was in the planning stages for in terms of the libyan attack, it's very possible that, you know, the al-qaida associates the elements and you mentioned one of them that is operating in libya, it's very possible that they saw this protest developing and in fairly short order took advantage of the chaos. you have to remember they are already on the ground, you don't need a lot of planning to do this. you have a lot of heavy weaponry floating around. remember during the revolution there was a lot of pilfering that took place and we talked about this at the time about all the weapons that were getting out of the armories that previously had been under military control. those weapons are there on the ground. so there is questions as to was this something that was done fairly quickly, or as some are speculating now, was it a
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long-term plan because of 9/11? martha: i also want to get your thoughts on the security at this compound in benghazi because one report that i read this morning said all they had was four surveillance cameras at the compound where the ambassador and three others were killed and four libyan guards. the marines were not guarding this particular compound, they are in tripoli, that's where they are based at the headquarters for the embassy. does it shock you, given the fact that there were advisories in effect in libya around this period? >> well, yeah, it's always difficult to do sort of the arm check quarter backing on something like this after the fact. the fact of the matter remains we know there is chaos in libya and there's been chaos ever since the revolution. we don't have a full handle on all the players out there. al-qaida has been on the ground and they love to take advantage of chaos. so, yes, in hind sight, obviously it goes without saying, so this is where you feel bad saying this but there should have been significantly
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more security on the ground protecting this. and the marine security guard force,msg detach -plt dee dee tafp -plts are terrific, they need to be present to make a difference. >> there were concerns about the protests, there was intelligence in egypt on the cairo side that there might be issues. why would that not trigger, you know, sort of a bulletin to all of these embassies, look we do have some protests that areee erupting, it is tha 9/11 we ned tneed to beef things up. >> after an event like this you can say this should have been tight end up. of course it should have been. in the day-to-day operations maybe they had stretched thin their resources. now they are sending out further resources in a situation where you're right, i think that is absolutely correct they should have had more security on the ground. but they didn't and now the question becomes obviously
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pinpointing and the f.b.i. is very good at this in these field investigations working with the c.i.a. exactly who is responsible. martha: we are going to head back to washington right now, have to go. bill: hillary clinton was speaking 24 hours ago. back to her now secretary of state. >> people of all religions, many of whom came to this country for the right to exercise their own religion, including of course millions of muslims. and we have the greatest respect for people of faith. to us, to me personally, this video is disgusting and reprehensible. it appears to have a deeply cynical purpose, to denigrate a great religion and to provoke rage. but as i said yesterday, there
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is no justification, none at all, for responding to this video with violence. we condemn the violence that has resulted in the strongest terms, and we greatly appreciate that many m the united states and around the world have spoken out on this issue. violence, we believe, has no place in religion and is no way to honor religion. islam, like other religions respects the fundamental dignity of human beings, and it is a violation of that fundamental dig in a see to wag dignity to wage attacks on innocence. as long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of religion, the name of god,
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the world will never know a true and lasting peace. it is especially wrong for violence to be directed against diplomatic missions. these are places whose very purpose is peaceful, to promote better understanding across countries and cultures. all governments have a responsibility to protect thoe those spaces and people, because to attack an embassy is to attack the idea that we can work together to build understanding and a better future. now i know it is hard for some people to understand why the united states cannot, or does not just prevent these kinds of reprehensible videos from ever seeing the light of day. now, i would note that in today's world, with today's
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technologies, that is impossible. but even if it were possible, our country does have a long tradition of free expression, which is enshrined in our constitution and our law, and we do not stop individual citizens from expressing their views, no matter how distast distaste full they maybe. there are different views around the world about the outer limits of free speech and free expression. there should be no debate about the simple proposition that violence in response to speech is not acceptable. we all, whether we are leaders in government, leaders in civil society, or religious leaders must draw the line at violence, and any responsible leader should be standing up now and drawing that line.
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i wanted to begin with this statement because as our moroccan friends and all of you know, this has been a difficult week at the state department. i very much appreciate minister the condolances your government expressed to our embassy in rabat. and even though that tragedy happened far away in benghazi we found a reminder of the deep bonds that connect month rocco tmorocco to the united states. it was in the high mountains of morocco that one of the americans we lost this week, ambassador chris stevens fell in love with the region when he served as a peace corps volunteer there. that experience set him on a decades' long career of service. so in the memory of fallen
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friends and colleagues let us remind ourselves of the many ways in which not just our governments but the people of our two nations have worked together to build a better future. in many case the united states looks to morocco to be a leader and a model. his majesty sing mohammed deserves great credit after the work you've undertaken. after my visit earlier this year i told my team, we need to start a strategic dialogue with morocco. no country has been a friend of the united states longer than morocco. you were the first nation to recognize us back in 1777. but we are not satisfied with simply having a friendship that is long-standing, we want one
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that is dynamic, growing, looking toward the future. so let me highlight a few of the areas we should focus on today. on political reform we have all scenery markable change seen seen remarkable changes taking place across the middle east. i commend morocco for your efforts to stay ahead of these changes by holding free and fair electionses empowering the elected parliament taking other steps -- bill: from the state department hillary clinton with a meeting there with a moroccan delegation. the headline from this statement is quite clear. she has mentioned this film this video on numerous occasions and that statement alone calling it disgusting and reprehensible. meanwhile in the arab world many would argue that it is just the mere mention of this film that is helping drive people to the streets in cairo, in tunisia, in
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baghdad, and in the capitol city of yemen as to why this would be mentioned yet again today it is not quite clear, but mart that is going to get some more insight right now from mike baker. martha: we are glad that mike baker stuck around and was listening to this as well with us. former c.i.a. covert operations officers. mike, it's curious in some ways. clearly she is the head of the state department, diplomacy is her mission. she is trying to piece things together. she said it's hard tore people to understand why the united states can't stop something like this. i thought she was going to say the violence of our embassy. she said movies like this and things that permeate the social media, people don't understand why the united states can't stop it. is it interesting to you that that is where she's going? >> i probably won't use the word independenting. i can' interesting. i can't use the word i'm thinking of during our discan you. she is the head of the state
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department. listening to that statement was two parts pandering and one part outrage. the direction just seems wrong. those people who are have been involved in counterterrorism for years and years and years we understand they don't need this youtube video, they didn't need iraq, they don't need a variety of things to be outraged, to hate us, to target our civilians, our personnel, our allies, it's just there. but yet we refuse to continually talk about this. we want to box it into some particular event and some issue that they are outraged over. martha: all right mike thank you. >> i have a real problem with the statement. martha: thank you very much, mike. thanks for adding your thoughts to it. bill: as our viewers know we are juggling a number of stories here including this one, the memory of an american legend. neil armstrong, his memorial service underway at the cathedral in washington. this is gene cernan who in a couple of months will mark 40 years since he was the last man to walk on the moon. of course neil armstrong the first one. his comments now from gene
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cernan. >> about a special friend. when that friend is also a world icon, a national hero of unimaginable proportion, and a legend whose name will live in history long after all here today have been forgotten. a man whose commitment and dedication to that in which he believed was absolute, a man who when he became your friend was a friend for a lifetime. i am not sure this is possible, but i will try. neil armstrong grew up on a farm in middle america, and as a young boy, like most kids he had a paper route, he cut lawns, he shoveled snow, and his
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fascination for model airplanes gave birth to a dream, a dream of becoming an aeronautical engineer. neil had his first taste of flight when he was but six years old, and from that day forward he never looked back. although he always wanted to design and redesign airplanes to make them do what they weren't supposed to do, once he had tasted flight neil's eyes turned skyward and it was there that he always longed to be. little did neil ever realize that his dream, his longing to soar with the eagles, would some day give him the opportunity to be the first human being to go where no human had gone before. neil armstrong was a sincerely
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humble man of impeccable integrity, who reluctantly accepted his role as the first human being to walk on another world, and when he did he became a testament, a testament to all americans of what can be achieved through vision and dedication. but in neil's mind, it was never about neil, it was about you, your mothers and fathers, your grandparents, about those of a generation ago who gave neil the opportunity to call the moon his home, but never, ever, was it about neil. neil considered that he was just the tip of the arrow, always
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giving way to some 400,000 equally committed and dedicated americans, americans who were the strength behind the bow and always giving credit to those who just didn't know it couldn't be done. and there in lies the strength and the character of neil armstrong. he knew who he was, and he understood the immensity of what he had done, yet neil was always willing to give of himself. when kneel, jim lovell and i had the opportunity to visit the troops in iraq and afghanistan on three separate occasions, meeting them in chow halls, control centers, yes, even
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armored carriers and helicopters, those enthusiastic young men and women yet to be born when neil walked on the moon were mesmerized by his presence. in a typical neil fashion he would always walk in, introduce himself as if they didn't know who he was, shake each and every hand, and he'd always give them, hey, how are you guys doing? as one overwhelmed inquisitive marine, mr. armstrong, why are you here? neil's thoughtful and sincerely honest reply was, because you are here. neil was special to these young kids and to a few old ones as well. although deeply proud to be a naval aviator, as a civilian at
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the time he flew neil never received his astronaut wings. it was a tradition of those in the military. it was on the u.s.s. eisenhower back in 2010 on our way to afghanistan that neil finally did receive the tribute that he deserved, his visibly, visibly moved response said it all, and i quote "i've never been more proud than when i earned my navy wings of gold." and i've got to believe that there are a few golden eagles in the audience who will second those words. trying to get into neil's inner selfwas always a challenge for anyone, maybe everyone. asked one day by a stranger,
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mr. armstrong, how did you feel when looking for a place to land on the moon with only 15 seconds of fuel remaining? in only the way neil could, and i know some of you have seen him this way, he put a thumb on his index ked, he'd tilt his head, he said, well, when the gauge says empty we all know there is a gallon or two left in the tank. [laughter] >> now there is a man who has always been in control of his own destiny, and that, ladies and gentlemen, is vintage neil armstrong. fate looked down kindly on us when she chose neil to be the first to venture to another world, and to have the opportunity to look back from space at the beauty of our own.
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it could have been another, but it wasn't, and it wasn't for a reason. no one, no one, but no one could have accepted the responsibility of his remarkable accomplishment with more dignity and more grace than neil armstrong. he embody he'd all tha epl embodied all that is good and all that is great about america. neil, wherever you are up there, almost a half a century later you have now shown once again the pathway to the stars. it's now for you a new beginning, but for us i will promise you it is not the end.
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and as you soar through the heavens beyond where even eagles dare to go you can now finally put out your hand and touch the face of god. farewell my friend, you have left us far too soon, but we want you to know we do cherish the time we have had and shared together. god bless you, neil :
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♪ [music playing] ♪ [singing] fly me to the moon and let me play among the stars. ♪ let me see what spring is like on jupiter and mars. ♪ in other words, hold my hand. ♪ in other words, darling kiss me. ♪ fill me life with song and let
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me sing forever more. ♪ you are all i long for all i worship and adore. ♪ in other words, please be true. ♪ in other words, i love you. ♪ bill: that was an absolutely gorgeous tribute to the life of
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neil armstrong, diana crawl on the piano there and the well-known song "fly me to the moon" by frank sinatra. it's frightening that we live in this society whether it's youtube, everybody wants to be recognize ford something. you have a man two years after walking on the moon walked away from nasa into and a anytime ma tee into retirement and lived his life with a humility that is so striking in all the speeches we've heard so far, it is quite a contrast. >> that is exactly right. in the celebrity society we now live in day-to-day it was striking to hear gene cernan in an emotional talk, cernan an astronaut the commander of a poly17, who has logged more than 565 hours in space, 73 of those hours on the surface of the moon, the last man to walk on the surface of the moon and have
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his footprints on the moon to talk emotionally about the man, his friend the first man to have his footprints on the moon. it was striking to hear him talk about neil armstrong as someone who thought he was the tip of the arrow, that was never about neil. he said he embodied all that is good and great in america. so for today this is a moment, as the program says, a celebration of his life, and also a celebration of what he meant for the country. bill: indeed. bret thank you. we'll be back there in a moment. it was a warm summer night in july, july 20th, 1969. millions of families across the country stayed up fairly late on that sunday night, almost 11:00 to watch history. neil armstrong placing his left foot first on the moon. while you might remember being in front of your own television president nixon was in the oval office that night, and our boss,
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chairman and ceo of the fox news channel roger ales was there too. >> they called me in to help coordinate the coverage of armstrong's landing on the moon, and i think they were going to cutback and forth between the president in the oval office and armstrong on the moon because they had a camera up there. when i realize they have a camera up there with a feed, i was just coordinating network coverage, nasa produced the event, i just showed up to try to let the american people see it, but i was watching the feed from the moon and i realized we could have the first inner plan first innerplanetary split screen. >> thank you mr. president. it's a privilege for us to be here. >> the problem was that there was no way to pre ticket which wapredict which way armstrong would be standing on the moon.
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if i'm facing you and we cut to the camera of nixon and he's turned the other way he could be talking to armstrong's back. i had to solve the problem quickly and i realized nixon is going to take his cue from a monitor in the oval office. so i had a monitor put on each side of his desk and i said to him, i'm going to see that moon feed just before you see it, and i will cue you if armstrong is that way i'll cue you that way, if he's not we'll go that way, and that's why you end up with them sort of looking at each other, because it could have been just the opposite, it could have been a fiasco. that was my contribution. >> this is a seminal moment in american history. was there trepidation about the mission, did you think heck we could be watching this feed and something could go very wrong here. >> there is always that feeling. i also coordinated coverage of apollo 13, and that is the one that was on fire that tom hanks
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played jim lovell. that one was a nightmare day, we all believed the capsule was going to burn up and we were going to have to do something else. but on the moon they knew we were going to be on the shot for five minutes or ten minutes, and they'd already blasted off, landed on the moon, already done everything. it looked like they were ready for a game of golf up there. bill: what do you believe that moment with president nixon contributed to that story, as you look back on it? >> you have to understand we were in a different time. i believe there was a lot of confidence in the government in those days, which doesn't exist today. also, jack kennedy had inspired an entire generation by saying we should go to the moon. >> we choose to go to the moon and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard. >> and that was the culmination of it, even though president kennedy didn't live to see it, he started it and will always be
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given credit. i think that's why people are so disturbed that we've now given away our space program after all that work and all the heroics. but it was a different time, and people were extremely proud and happy to be americans. bill: how did you feel that day in. >> i've been through a lot of things in my life, and i don't get attached to them while i'm doing them. i think about them later. i know that my job there is as a professional. i worry about making it happen, making it work and getting out. what i did feel what's norm must pride about the united states, and i thought the united states is essentially an idea that as long as we believe in it it will go on and we will be free, and if we don't believe in it, or we lose faith in it, it will collapse, and so that was just a reinforcing moment to me that america is a great country.
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bill: do you remember if nixon said anything after that moment that day? >> he stopped and looked at the feed, because the feed was continuing, and he said, those guys have a lot of guts. bill: a lot of guts. can you imagine how far away you are from the earth that you know. that's our boss, roger ailes. many people consider neil armstrong to be the christopher columbus of our day. neil armstrong said i am and ever will be a pocket protector in other word nerdy engineer. martha: fascinating to hear roger tell that story. with the two monitors on either side of the office and him saying cue. it's true when he says it was a different time. i remember as a little kid in washington d.c. being pulled through a crowd to see them go by in an open car, the astronauts after they returned. i really didn't know what was
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going on. i knew it was something special. you do remember a different time and very special moment. nice interview with the boss, and really fascinating. bill: i think what we learned from that is that president nixon could take a cue. he was better than most people thought. martha: most people can take a cue from roger, right. bill: back to bret now outside the cathedral as the ceremony continues there. bret. >> the pressure was on in that interview, good thing it turned out. bill: we are about to hear from michael collins in a moment here. he was flying the orbiter that day when armstrong and buzz aldrin were on the surface of the moon. the one thing you learn from listening to roger talk about that is the amount of risk that was inherent in a mission like this. it had never been done before. >> it is amazing to put yourself back in that timeframe, and all of the risk that nasa and those early astronauts were putting on the line.
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let's bring in syndicated columnist charles krauthammer, who has been watching the coverage from the d.c. pwraour oefplt youd. d.c. bureau. your thoughts on what has been said? >> i think one of the things that we lose over time is precisely what you were talking about, that sense of risk. now we look back and all the missions except one were successful, it was no big deal. what roger will remember is that nixon actually did a video in which he addresses the nation, this was a back up, in case, in which he announces as could easily have happened that the two astronauts on the moon, things had gone wrong, and they were never going to be able to return. i've seen the video, and nixon actually had it done because he would have had to explain the risk was in the take off after
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they had landed, but the great risk and armstrong always was aware of this. was the landing. i mean -- you know, he said, pilots don't particularly -- have no particular joy in walking, pilot lights to fly, anlike to fly. he thought walking on the moon was the least interesting event of that day. the most important event was landing, the six minutes when he see cell rated from 6,000 miles an hour and as he a proefrpd t approached the landing the computers that were primitive in those days were overloaded and over taxed, and they were sending out false alarms. he took over with a couple minutes left, he flew over a crater that the guidance had been sending them into that would have been a disaster, the rocks in there were the size of cars, so he glided over that looking for a landing spot and as we heard from gene cernan he
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landed with 15 seconds left of fuel onto a smooth spot. that was the greatest achievement i think as an engineer. >> charles, thank you. we'll head back in a bit as we wait for michael collins the command pilot of apollo 11 to speak here. also it's worth noting as we said at the beginning this isle also for the people who walked in here bill about that reaching for the stars, about accomplishing what was impossible. it sound cliche but as charles talked about this is a moment where people could say, despite awful the things that ar all of the things that are happening that might not be great, this reminds us of what is possible. bill: the family put out a statement a few weeks ago to wink at the moon when they announced the death of neil armstrong. he went in for bypass surgery that did not go well and left us on the 25th of august.
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the family has instructed us that it is his intention to be buried at sea and that will happen some time after the memorial service, not today but some time in the coming days. and then we can say the eagle has landed. thank you, bret. martha. martha: we're going to have more from the memorial service throughout the show and we are of course following developments overseas with the ongoing protests in yemen, cairo, libya that are happening at this hour. we are asking you this morning what you think about the funding that goes to this region. so far more than 6,000 of you have weighed in on this question. go to our website"america's newsroom," have your voice be heard as well. we'll be right back. woman 1: this isn't just another election. we're voting for... the future of our medicare and social security. man 1: i want facts. straight talk. tell me your plan... and what it means for me. woman 2: i'm tired of the negative ads and political spin. that won't help me decide. man 2: i earned my medicare and social security. and i deserve some answers.
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service of neil armstrong. there is a live look on the streets of cairo, egypt. who knows what will happen there after a call for more protests on friday after the afternoon of prayers there. secretary of state hillary clinton moments ago speaking in washington d.c. at the state department at a meeting with the moroccan delegation had this to say about what has transpired so far today. >> we all, whether we are leaders in government, leaders in civil society, or religious leaders must draw the line at violence, and any responsible leader should be standing up now and drawing that line. bill: she went onto talk about this film that countless millions have not seen and she said the united states government had absolutely nothing to do with the video, we absolutely reject its content and message, this during the talk today with moroccan officials. to us and me personally this video is disgusting and reprehensible, it hats a deeply
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cynical purpose to denigrate a great religion and provoke rage. despite this this film is being used in many arab capitol cities to drive people into the streets. we are watching today and again tomorrow in cairo, martha. martha: remembers ambassador chris stevens. those who knew him best said he was devoted to bringing democracy to the middle east and there was nowhere else he would rather be working in his life east was. david lee miller joins us live in our new york newsroom with more on that story. >> the mother of ambassador christopher stevens says her son died doing a job he loved. she told the new york daily news and i quote, he did love what he did and he did a very good job witness. she went onto say, he could have done a lot of other things but this was his passion, i have a hole in my heart. in speaking about the murderers who took her son's life she told the newspaper, quote, i sure do feel and a months satisfactory tee towards those nuts that got
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in there and did this. she said the deadly assault, quote had nothing to do with the politics of libya, they were not insurgents,. they were islamic fanatics. others who knew him when he grew up in northern california remembered heuplt as a people person. he's described as idealistic, courageous and honorable. >> he was a fun-loving man who knew how to get things done, but to do it with a smile on his face, just relentlessly optimistic. >> a brilliant public servant and he served so well and so selfleslie, and i think that he's a great example about what is great about this country. >> in the words of one friend he was sogent but he never lost the human touch. martha. martha: he seemed praised by so many. paul wolowitz speaking so high of him this morning in an interview as well. david lee miller thank you so much. bill: in a moment here the
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latest developments on how the u.s. will respond, plus what we have learned today out of washington, the campaign trail and of course overseas. and thousands of you weighing in this morning already on our question of the day, should the u.s. continue to send foreign aid to egypt and libya. results of our poll which are overwhelming.
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bill: big reaction to our nonscientific question of the day. should the u.s. continue to send foreign aid to libya and egypt? almost everyone saying we should not continue the aid. we ad 8,000, 9,000 votes in the last few minutes. fox news dlot come /americasnewsroom to. martha: wonderful speech by eugene kiernan and beautiful rendition of fly me to the moon by diana krall.


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